Sharing Space Together
It’s the last day of 2012. What a year! Whew. So many unexpected twists and turns, and so many blessings and surprises, too. I invite you to sit with me now and connect to yourself and your heart. I invite you to emanate the light of who you are as this new year is upon us. We are all interconnected and I am grateful.
A Sweet Video of Kate
I know that some of you haven’t seen Kate for many years. Because of this, and because it’s been at least a year or so since most of us have seen her in the physical, I’m posing this short video for all of you to enjoy (from October 13, 2011).
That Which Never Changes
What’s been coming up for me over the past weeks and months involves accessing “That Which Never Changes,” getting in touch with a deeper inner connection that is there no matter what is swirling in my external world of circumstances (or internal world of emotions and thoughts).
Receiving the Beauty
Ahhhh, yes, it’s been a while since I’ve said hello here. So HELLO!!!! The past many weeks (or so) have been very full indeed . . . Vermont to New York to South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. And finally back home to California – YAY!!
Fear of Losing My Joy
A couple of weeks ago, I realized I wasn’t experiencing the same level of joy and lightheartedness that I had when Kate was here on the planet. I started to worry I wouldn’t be able to access these qualities of myself without her. I began missing her more deeply.
Then realized that I was actually missing my self.
Who Are You Now?
I love approaching life with curiosity. And yet sometimes I forget to approach people in my life – myself included – with this same sense of openness and wonder.
Releasing the Rear View Mirror
Greetings from Burlington, VT!
Over the past couple of months, I’ve been contemplating how to update my relationship with Kate into present time. A reminder of this came to me last night in an unexpected moment . . .
The Power of Connection
On Saturday June 30th, we had a ceremony to return Kate’s body to the land. The prayer flags that friends and family created for her in Mount Shasta, Vermont, and along the way are now waving in the wind between the trees on a sweet lake north of Montreal.
Gratitude for Mosquitoes
After arriving in Vermont on the new moon and Summer Solstice, the beginning of a new cycle, I went to the labyrinth that Kate and I often walked upon arrival and departure from this beautiful place. This time, the experience offered me a metaphor that expresses much of what I learned from Kate and find valuable integrating into my life.
Niagara Falls & Sacred Water
I’m in Buffalo, NY and didn’t expect to participate in an international event today.
My dad and I went to Niagara Falls this afternoon. I’ve been there many times in my life and it’s rarely been a big deal to me. It was a place of souvenirs, wax museums, the Hard Rock Cafe, and a lot of hype.